SMP Volunteer Conduct & Confidentiality Policy

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I understand that appropriate conduct and maintaining confidentiality of all information is a condition of being a Spokane Mounted Patrol volunteer.
I understand that as a Spokane Mounted Patrol volunteer, I will be supporting and assisting local law enforcement. I will not represent myself in any way as a law enforcement officer and I will not at any time act, speak or give the appearance of being a vigilante. While working for Spokane Mounted Patrol and various law enforcement agencies, I will act as eyes and ears for law enforcement and will act with concern for our neighborhoods and community. I will uphold a positive image of Spokane Mounted Patrol and the law enforcement agencies, and I will take full responsibility for all my actions.
I understand that as a Spokane Mounted Patrol volunteer, I may from time to time have access to sensitive information and materials, either written or orally. This may include intelligence, criminal history records or investigative information. I understand that all conversations and information handled and/or heard by me as a Spokane Mounted Patrol volunteer are to be considered privileged information and at no time will I release this information, either written or orally.
I understand that any release of confidential information could cause harm to persons or property, and could reflect unfavorably on the law enforcement agencies and/or Spokane Mounted Patrol. I also understand that improper disclosure of any such information could be a violation of the law as well as a violation of law enforcement agency policies and procedures. I could be subject to termination, in addition to any civil or criminal penalties provided for by law.
As a Spokane Mounted Patrol volunteer, I will abide by all rules and decisions from Spokane Mounted Patrol. In addition, I will strive to work harmoniously with, and be respectful of, my fellow volunteers, and I will always conduct myself in a professional, friendly and moral manner. I also agree to conduct my private life in such a way that my character is beyond reproach and I am a credit to Spokane Mounted Patrol. I will not, by any action, deliberately place in jeopardy my life or the lives of those in my neighborhood, or the lives of the law enforcement officers that serve our community. I will not engage in gossip and will encourage others to do likewise, I will be cognizant of the needs of my family, employer and my personal well being and keep these needs a priority over my volunteer work.
While working as a Spokane Mounted Patrol volunteer, I understand that I may not carry any firearm regardless of any permits or training I may have.
I understand that if I violate any of these rules of "Conduct & Confidentiality", I may be immediately terminated as a Spokane Mounted Patrol volunteer.
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